Orpheus and Eurydice

April 2020
100x100cm, 39,4x39,4 inch


Original price € 8.000
Actual price € 12.000*
Expected price in 12 months € 18.000**

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* The painting is part of a private collection in Uitgeest. The owner agrees to sell for € 12.000. This is The Value Cycle: joint it! Buy now for
€ 12.000 and sell for € 18.000. You’ll love it. Click here for more information
** Join the Value Cycle and make your smartest and most beautiful investment ever

Orpheus is the supreme musician in Greek mythology, owner of the golden lyre. His amazing songs were so masterful that with this golden touch he could soften steel and stones and tame tigers.

Eurydice, fell madly in love with his delightful songs and they got married being. Soon after the marriage, Eurydice dies of a snake bite. Orpheus grieved and his moans of pain filled the earth and the skies, and he went down to the dark world to take her back. All the gods were impressed by his love songs and let him in and even agreed to give his wife back to him with one condition: to not look back at her until they are out in the light of the sun. He could not hold his enthusiasm and looked back, and so lost her forever.” Inna Orlik

As much as Inna Orlik cares about the artistic high of her creations, she cares about an excellent delivery of your Master Piece or Limited Edition – High Quality Reproduction. An excellent delivery of your very precious piece of art starts with a personal briefing in which we carefully identify your wishes and requirements. Not a single detail will be overlooked.

Based on your input we will design a packaging plan that fits the journey of the Master Piece safely to your delivery address. We arrange all the necessary paperwork, the certificate of origin, and all and any relevant and necessary documentation. You will also receive a video of the packing of the painting with a last visual check of the state of the painting.

During the transport briefing we will also inform you about the insurance possibilities and insure the Master Piece according your instructions.

In case of special requirements, it might be possible we are not able to give you an exact quotation of the price on spot and we will have to come back to you. That will take not more than 2 days.

The cost for transportation and insurance will be invoiced to you without delay and after the payment is received the Master Piece or the Limited Edition – High Quality Reproduction will be shipped to your address. As an indication for transportation and insurance (world-wide) is between € 500 and € 2.000 depending on distance, seize and value of the painting.

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