
June 2020
140x50 cm, 55.1x19.7 inch
Actual Price € 10.000*
Expected Price in 12 months € 15.000

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* this is The Value Cycle: joint it! Buy now for
€ 10.000 and sell for € 15.000. You’ll love it. Click here for more information

“The beautiful Aphrodite is the daughter of Uranus, made of snow-white foam of the sea waves. She is endowed with only one duty: to create love” Inna Orlik


May 2020
140x120 cm, 55.1x47.2 inch
Actual Price € 10.000*
Expected Price in 12 months € 15.000

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* this is The Value Cycle: joint it! Buy now for
€ 10.000 and sell for € 15.000. You’ll love it. Click here for more information

“The Phoenix Bird symbolizes the thirst for life, the power of faith, the imperishability of the soul. As long as the Phoenix lives, humanity can, again and again, raise fire in their homes” Inna Orlik

I can see light

April 2020
120x120 cm, 47.2x47.2 inch
Actual Price € 9.000*
Expected Price in 12 months € 13.500

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* this is The Value Cycle: joint it! Buy now for
€ 9.000 and sell for € 13.500. You’ll love it. Click here for more information

“A fish living in the darkness striving for light in the hope of seeing the beauty of the world” Inna Orlik


February 2020
Actual Price € 7.000*
Expected Price in 12 months € 10.500

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* this is The Value Cycle: joint it! Buy now for
€ 7.000 and sell for € 10.500. You’ll love it. Click here for more information

“The universe is waiting. It can see that you are working on yourself and do not interfere with anything. It can wait forever, but when you stop looking for yourself and lose faith, it fights with all its power and fills you, awakens new wonderful feelings in you” Inna Orlik

Adam & Eve

January 2020
150x140 cm, 59.1x55.1 inch
Actual Price € 15.000*
Expected Price in 12 months € 22.500

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* this is The Value Cycle: joint it! Buy now for
€ 15.000 and sell for € 22.500 You’ll love it. Click here for more information

“Adam and Eve were created by God in his likeness on the 6th day of creation. Adam was created from the dust of the earth and endowed with a soul. The creation of Eve from the rib of Adam emphasizes that man cannot be alone. The creation of a wife is one of the main plans of God to endow people with the ability to love”. Inna Orlik


May 2020
140x140cm, 55.1x55.1 inch
Actual Price € 15.000
Expected Price in 12 months € 22.500*

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* this is The Value Cycle: joint it! Buy now for
€ 15.000 and sell for € 22.500. You’ll love it. Click here for more information

“The Goddess of the morning dawn leaving the ocean onto the two divine horses Lampos and Phaeton. Flying across the sky and watering the earth with dew. Beautiful Eos with pink-gold fingers.” Inna Orlik


September 2020
130x150 cm, 51.2x59.1 inch
Actual Price € 22.500*
Expected Price in 12 months € 33.750

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* this is The Value Cycle: joint it! Buy now for original price € 15.000 and sell for € 22.500 You’ll love it. Click here for more information. CHAOS is now part of a private art collection in Amsterdam and sells for € 33.750

“Infinite space, which is a chaotic mixture of material elements of the World from which everything was made of and created”.  Inna Orlik

Angels in Love

April 2020
130x110cm, 51.1x43.3 inch
Actual price € 12.000*
Expected price in 12 months € 18.000**

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* Buy now for € 12.000 and sell for € 18.000
This is The Value Cycle. Inform yourself here.

“In this painting, I convey the most tender feelings of all in a relationship. To give the opportunity to see and hear voices that carry love, care and kindness” Inna Orlik


May 2019
180x180cm, 70.9x70.9 inch
Actual price € 20.000
Expected price in 12 months € 30.000*

Original. Egg Tempera on Plywood
* Buy for € 20.000 and sell for € 30.000
This is how The Value Cycle works. Inform yourself here.

“A universe transmitting all the elements. Earth, air, water and everything related to it. Birth, nature, underwater world. All this is intertwined in the haze of the Milky Way” Inna Orlik


August 2019
150x130 cm, 59.1x51.1 inch
Actual price € 10.000
Expected price in 12 months € 15.000*

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* Buy for € 10.000 and sell for € 15.000
This is how The Value Cycle works. Inform yourself here.

“The blueness of the seas. Evening blue sky. The color of fields covered with greenery and flowers. The whole spectrum of colors the world reflects in the rustle of floating nymphs” Inna Orlik


January 2020
140x200cm, 51.1x78.7 inch
Actual price € 20.000
Expected price in 12 months € 30.000*

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* Buy for € 20.000 and sell for € 30.000
This is The Value Cycle. Inform yourself here.

“A hole in antique frames, like an all-seeing eye. The Oculus connects and takes us to another dimension. It allows unlimited fantasies” Inna Orlik

I See

June 2019
140x110cm, 51.1x43.3 inch
Actual price € 14.000
Expected price in 12 months € 21.000*

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* Buy now for € 14.000 and sell for € 21.000
This is The Value Cycle. Inform yourself here.

“A surrealistic ability to peer into the world around us. It consists of microscopic pieces that want to instill in us a wonderful feeling. A feeling that grows into a great and valuable one” Inna Orlik


November 2019
140x70cm, 55.1x27.6 inch
Actual price € 7.000
Expected price in 12 months € 10.500*

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* Buy now for € 7.000 and sell for € 10.500
This is The Value Cycle. Inform yourself here.

“Hypnos lives on the edge of the world where the sun doesn’t even reach him. He is calm and quiet. He gives people sweet dreams and allows them to forget about all their trials and troubles” Inna Orlik


October 2019
120x90cm, 47.2x35.4 inch
Actual price € 7.000
Expected price in 12 months € 10.500*

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* Buy now for € 7.000 and sell for € 10.500
This is The Value Cycle. Inform yourself here.

“The symbol of gold is the sun. Gold has long attracted poets and writers for its mystery and magical properties” Inna Orlik


September 2016
130x160cm, 51.1x63.0 inch
Actual price € 25.000
Expected price in 12 months € 37.500*

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* Buy now for € 25.000 and sell for € 37.500
This is The Value Cycle. Inform yourself here.

“In the center of the galaxy, the sun is spilled. The air is charged with particles of love. I touch the stars. The wind of space touches my face. I make my way to the threshold of the Universe in search of myself” Inna Orlik


September 2018
90x100cm, 35.4x39.4 inch
Actual price € 7.000
Expected price in 12 months € 10.500*

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* Buy now for € 7.000 and sell for € 10.500
This is The Value Cycle. Inform yourself here.

“The Bee is a unique multifaceted symbol. It represents wisdom, fertility, hard work and order of purity. The Bee took part in the creation of the world on the side of God, opposing evil” Inna Orlik


April 2016
130x150cm, 51.2x59.1 inch
Original price € 12.000
Actual price € 18.000*
Expected price in 12 months € 27.000**

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* The artwork is in Amsterdam and part of a private collection
The owner agrees to sell for € 18.000. So, you can buy for € 18.000 and sell for € 27.000.
** This is The Value Cycle. Inform yourself here.

“If the universe is infinite, then somewhere an exact copy of our planet exists, as well as an exact copy of us all” Inna Orlik


March 2017
120x100cm, 47.2x39.4 inch
Original price € 10.000
Actual price € 15.000 *
Expected price in 12 months € 22.500**

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* The artwork is in Bucharest and part of a private collection
The owner agrees to sell for € 15.000
** This is The Value Cycle. You buy for € 15.000 and you sell for € 22.500. Inform yourself here.

“Medusa combines horror and charm at the same time. Her image personifies unity in a person of chaos and order, beauty and treachery, self-restraint and depravity. It can be said that she is not a mocked image, but a mirror of human souls” Inna Orlik


December 2019
120x145cm, 47.2x57.0 inch
Actual Price € 12.000
Expected Price in 12 months € 18.000*

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
*Buy for € 18.000 from the private owner and sell for € 27.000
This is The Value Cycle. Inform yourself here.

“Her gaze turns people to stone. With the flow of her blood appeared the winged horse Pegasus. Also, the blood flowing from the left side carried death in itself, and from the right side it was the salvation of people. Medusa is the protector, a mistress” Inna Orlik


April 2018
140x140cm, 55.1x55.1 inch
Original price € 20.000
Actual price € 30.000*
Expected price in 12 months € 45.000**

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas.
* The artwork is in Amsterdam and part of a private collection . The owner agrees to sell for
€ 30.000.
** join The Value Cycle.
For more information click here.

“A beautiful island that existed in the 10th century BC. On it there was an amazingly large and powerful kingdom. For many centuries, Atlantis became the object of the most fantastic creations and hypotheses. It was flooded by Zeus in Greek mythology. Maybe this is fiction, but I believe in its existence and imagine it very often” Inna Orlik

Blue Fish

May 2019
120x120cm, 47.2x47.2 inch
Original price € 5.000
Actual price € 7.500*
Expected price in 12 months € 11.250**

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* The artwork is in Bucharest and part of a private collection
Buy from the owner agrees for € 7.500 and sell for € 11.250!
** this is The Value Cycle: joint it!
You’ll love it. Click here for more information

“From the myths from ancient Greece we know that fish are the subject of the power of water, a symbol of the sea deities of Poseidon and the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, born from sea foam. The fish are also associated with the Goddess Mother, the ancestress of all living things” Inna Orlik

100x100cm, 39,4x39,4 inch
Original price € 8.000
Actual price € 12.000*
Expected price in 12 months € 18.000**

Original. Acrylic colors on canvas
* The painting is part of a private collection in Uitgeest. The owner agrees to sell for € 12.000. This is The Value Cycle: joint it! Buy now for
€ 12.000 and sell for € 18.000. You’ll love it. Click here for more information
** Join the Value Cycle and make your smartest and most beautiful investment ever

Orpheus is the supreme musician in Greek mythology, owner of the golden lyre. His amazing songs were so masterful that with this golden touch he could soften steel and stones and tame tigers.
